NMOSD (historically known as Devic’s disease) is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by repeat attacks and accumulating, often permanent disability. NMOSD is characterized by attacks of optic neuritis, longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, and area postrema syndrome.1-5
NMOSD is considered a rare disease. In the United States, it affects ~16,000 to ~17,000 people. NMOSD is most prevalent in women and African and Asian populations.6-9
B cells play multiple roles in the immunopathogenesis of NMOSD, including stimulating T cells and secreting cytokines. A pivotal role is played by plasmablasts and plasma B cells, which produce aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin (AQP4-IgG), the primary driver of NMOSD activity.10,11
The root cause of NMOSD is unknown. The immunopathogenesis of NMOSD is characterized by the development of AQP4-IgG in B cells (predominantly in plasmablasts and plasma cells). These antibodies can cross the blood-brain barrier and target AQP4, an important water channel protein present on astrocytes in the central nervous system. Astrocytic damage leads to secondary injury to oligodendrocytes and results in demyelination.10-13
While NMOSD and multiple sclerosis (MS) do share certain clinical presentations and symptoms, NMOSD can be differentiated from MS through MRI distinction and AQP4-IgG cell-based antibody testing.14-16
Outcomes in patients with NMOSD can be devastating. While multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by relapses with near complete recovery in typical cases, the rate of recovery from NMOSD attack is low, and any single NMOSD attack can result in permanent disability.17,18
The most common symptoms of NMOSD involve optic neuritis (eg, vision loss, ocular pain) or transverse myelitis (eg, limb weakness, numbness, sensory loss, or bladder and bowel problems). A smaller proportion of patients experience symptoms associated with area postrema syndrome, including vomiting, nausea, and intractable hiccups.4,5,19,20
Optic neuritis is 1 of the 3 hallmark symptoms of NMOSD. In NMOSD, optic neuritis can present with blurred vision, severe vision loss, or even blindness. MRI typically reveals extensive optic nerve involvement (either unilateral or bilateral) that can extend into the optic chiasm.15,19
Transverse myelitis is 1 of the 3 hallmark symptoms of NMOSD. In NMOSD, myelitis is longitudinally extensive over multiple spinal cord segments and will typically involve >50% of the central spinal cord.4,15,16
In NMOSD, hiccups, nausea, and vomiting are caused by periventricular or circumventricular lesions in the brain or brain stem (also known as area postrema syndrome).15
Yes, though rarely. These symptoms are more indicative of area postrema syndrome, one of the core characteristics of NMOSD.5,20,21
Devastating attacks in NMOSD often lead to permanent disability, including blindness and paralysis. In one review of 163 patients with NMOSD, 40% of patients were legally blind in at least 1 eye at 5 years from first attack. In another review of 106 patients with NMOSD, 34% of patients had a motor disability and 23% were wheelchair-dependent at 6 years.1,2,22,23
If left untreated, 60% of patients will suffer a repeat NMOSD attack within a year, and 90% of patients will have a repeat attack within 3 years.21
Without treatment, NMOSD has a mortality rate of 22% to 30% at 5 years from onset. However, with recent advancements in treatment, the 5-year mortality rate for patients with NMOSD has declined to ~5%.24
NMOSD diagnosis requires the patient’s AQP4-IgG serostatus and a combination of 6 core characteristics: optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, area postrema syndrome, acute brain stem syndrome, symptomatic narcolepsy or acute diencephalic clinical syndrome with NMOSD-typical diencephalic MRI lesions, and symptomatic cerebral syndrome with NMOSD-typical brain lesions.16
Area postrema syndrome is 1 of the 3 hallmark symptoms of NMOSD. The symptoms of area postrema syndrome include intractable hiccups, vomiting, and nausea. Approximately 30% of patients with NMOSD will experience area postrema symptoms during their illness.4,5,20
MRI findings for NMOSD can include unilateral or bilateral optic neuritis, longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, and periventricular or circumventricular lesions of the brain or brain stem.16
AQP4-IgG antibodies are present in up to 90% of patients with NMOSD. Serum cell-based assays are the most sensitive method of detecting AQP4-IgG antibodies.6,16,22,25
Currently, there are 3 FDA-approved treatments for NMOSD in adult patients who are AQP4-IgG+. Treatment choice should account for efficacy, safety profile, dosing frequency, administration, potential for adherence, and patient preference.26,27
In 2022, the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) invited a panel of international NMOSD experts to develop validated statements on the management of AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD through the Delphi consensus process.27
The 3 currently FDA-approved NMOSD treatments differ in mechanism of action, dosing frequency, and method of administration. There have been no head-to-head trials among any of these 3 approved agents to date.28-30
Monitoring treatment efficacy should be part of any long-term treatment plan for patients with NMOSD. MRI may be a predictive tool of disease severity and the potential for attack recovery and may help you determine if a change in therapy is warranted. While certain serum and/or cerebral spinal fluid biomarkers have been shown to be of potential use for NMOSD diagnostic and treatment purposes, no guidelines currently exist for their use in a clinical setting.27,31,32
Advocacy groups like The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation, The Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association, and The Sumaira Foundation can help support your patient throughout their treatment journey.